Frequently Asked Questions

Is this symposium for Optometrists and Ophthalmologists?

Yes. We welcome Drs. of Optometry and Drs. of Ophthalmology to attend. The Twin Cities OSD Symposium is a collaborative effort between Optometrists and Ophthalmologists.

Yes. This event will offer COPE-approved credit for Drs. of Optometry.

Yes. Our faculty will offer different approaches to helping patients in this situation.

Yes. We will take a comprehensive look at currently available OSD treatments and diagnostic tests, as well as what we can expect to have in our hands as additional treatment options in the near future.

Yes. Technicians, and administrators are welcome.

Yes. We will have two excellent workshops led by our Twin Cities OSD Faculty as your instructors. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn proper procedural techniques with OSD devices: eyelid warming, expression and debridement, amnionic membrane insertion and removal, corneal sensitivity testing, and demodex will have the opportunity to learn proper procedural techniques with OSD devices: Intranasal neuro-stimulation, Eyelid debridement, LipiFlow, the Quantum home therapy device, and amnionic membrane insertion and removal.

12 COPE-approved units for Drs. of Optometry.

Our Common Goal

“Improving the quality of life of our patients by achieving the best treatment outcomes.”